water baby

water baby

Monday, November 3, 2008

Final Fronter

The shower was a success! I won't say it was pulled of without a hitch. There were many glitches. Of course we were working on the house until late Friday evening and I cooked for 5+ hours. I guess I'll not be cooking Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners this year thus I got my need to churn out all three Pumpkin, Pecan and Apple pies this go around. I also learned that even though you get something catered it might need cooking! My apologies to anyone who ate the spanikopita before we realized they needed heating. Thanks to everyone who turned out. It was truly awesome experience.
To my friends, they know who they are, that stepped up to the plate and essentially made sure I did not go into labor during the shower - You gals ROCK. I have plenty of assurance you guys will weigh into the chaos again. I'm sure I'll be kept company at the hospital and I'm looking forward to having adult interaction in the weeks of new mommy-hood. I'm not quite sure how I'll explain to Logan why he's got so many Aunts. Some we'll cook with, eat with or climb with, others we'll hike and camp with.
I heard recently that conscious parenting beings long before birth. Its our full intention to raise this little guy immersed in a world filled with our passions. Ultimately he'll choose his own path but he'll be fully exposed to our beliefs, respect for nature, appreciation for good food and active lifestyle. YES, that's right active lifestyle. I fully intend for Logan (whose name means "of the outdoors") to spend several nights under the stars before he even knows how to walk. If one more person tells us our lives are going to change and that we'll not be doing all this 'stuff' we enjoy anymore I'll blow a gasket. We're not weekend warriors, we live a certain way. If you grow a garden you'll not stop because you have children. No, you'll teach them where their food comes from (not the produce section of WalMart) and how to compost!
I've been asked another annoying question in the last weeks: Are you excited to be having a baby? What kinds of answers do people expect. I know down here in the south they must expect a sugar coated "Oh yes very!" served with a polite smile. See as I march to the beat of my own drum and certainly do not naturally react this way I've sarcastically replied "oh sure, its growing on me!" In all honesty, no I'm not excited to have a baby. (verb) If anyone is excited to go through this action you must be crazy. My pregnancy has been enough discomfort to keep anyone from having a baby. Sure, initially you do have an infant. Infant grows into baby-hood. baby-hood grows to crumb-snatcher....and so on. I'm not a baby person. Of course I know you love your own. I already do in my own way but I'm excited for the long haul.
I'm excited to have a new person. Far too often one catches baby-fever and gets caught up in it all. I think we're excited to begin growing a family. To begin to raise a person. I'm looking forward to watching him experience life. Baby-hood will have its moments but as I know from my brother so does all the other stages. The way his face lights up over life's simple things and his laugh, his humor and hearing his imagination. Those are the things we get to experience long after he grows out of smartwool booties.

For those of you desiring pictures. I've finally posted some of the house and Logan's room on flickr.com PEOPLE search for 'jessica.macintosh' and you should find them.

We're in the final 30 days and will no doubt post the big news of his official arrival ASAP....Stay Tuned.


yep that's an arm...strong climbing arms


Logan Keith MacIntosh



5 reasons....

these are my 5 reasons why this might be a good thing.
5 of the 10 reasons i have to run to pee every half hour = someone loves kicking my bladder.
5 reasons why i'm kept up at night.
5 reasons we're ripping out memories at my grandmother's to create new ones
5 reasons why i've gained 7 pounds and am ok with it.
5 reasons why my diet now consists of red meat, fruity pebbles and pickles (i.e. Brian's favorite foods)
5 reasons i'm ok with giving up mountain biking and climbing for a year
5 reasons to toally change our lives.

ever after....

the wedding story

Because so many have made requests and so many have not heard:
(wrote Dec. 2006)
This is the somewhat edited verson of the wedding story. The whole account would be too massive to record. One day it will be though, maybe then I'll send our story to Oprah. We had the worst wedding and honeymoon. There I said it. You may not believe the story I am about to tell, but I just had to write. Recently Brian and I watched a couple on Rachael Ray tell their story about how their truck was stolen before their honeymoon. We were like, "Is that it?!" We had not one but many unfortunate events occur during our wedding AND honeymoon....
We hired wedding planners to plan our wedding on the coast of North Carolina. The planners, a couple in their late 50's, took off with our money 4 weeks before the wedding! The whole fiasco became a police investigation! The day we discovered nothing was accomplished for our wedding our photographer also bailed. (Love you Rachel! For good reason, God knew what He was doing then! She ended up coordinating the whole affiar.) Since the invitations were already out, we decided to go ahead with the date.
We planned our wedding in 4 weeks! We found a new baker, photographer, decorations, transportation, ceremony site, caterer (me + whole foods).....So much was done at the last minute. The day before the ceremony Brian got a lead on the evil planners and took off with his pose (groomsmen) to track them down, in hopes of retreiving our money, leaving my bridesmaids, myself and family to set-up for the entire reception, ceremony site and cook the rehearsal dinner!
The following day (the wedding day) we awoke to sideways rain, some of the worst storms April had ever seen across the country and on the coast. No barefoot wedding on the beach for us. A miracle occured at the last minute; we were given a 30 minute window between storms. We had the wedding outside in the drizzle, not on the beach but on the lawn/dunes. From there things ran smoother thanks to our families and friends serving and cleaning the entire reception!
The following day we left for the honeymoon. We traveled to Arizona, planning to road trip it in a Jeep and camp in the Grand Canyon at Havasu Falls.....things never go as planned...
We nearly spent our first night in the airport because we forgot the credit card used to reserve the car. Several days later, half way to the Grand Canyon, trouble caught up with us again.... Our second day in beautiful Sedona, AZ we both fell ill. We ended up in the ER with extreme cases of food poisoning! We managed to make it to the Grand Canyon days later, looked over the side, then headed back towards Pheonix. We packed all our new camping equipment and never used a bit of it. The story does not end there.....
The next morning I was somehow locked in our hotel room at Arcosanti (an italian architectural commune). It nearly caused us to miss our flight home. Between being locked in the room and the flight we also managed to track down a REI & Advanced Auto Parts to buy supplies to patch a 4 inch rip in the rented Jeep's cloth cover! (I must say we have skills)
Once home from our horrible honeymoon and disaster filled wedding we were anything but happy newlyweds. To add to it all we later found out that our insurance did not cover our stay in the ER, we were left with thousands in medical bills from our honeymoon.
I promise every bit of this is true, our advice is "Don't have a wedding!" We may develop more humor about the situation once we finish paying for it......The whole event could so be a made-for-tv-drama/comedy! At least we have an awesome story to tell the grandchildren one day!

(see pictures from the wedding and honeymoon on facebook)